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Chemical Sciences in Development

Resources for Chemistry: Information and Services Supporting the Chemical Sciences

Africa – Chemistry, Science, Development Programmes And Indicators
Chemistry For Development
  • Role of the chemical sciences in development:
    S.A. Matlin, B.M. Abegaz, Chemistry for Development, in J. Garcia-Martinez, E. Serrano-Torregrosa (Eds), The Chemical Element: Chemistry's Contribution to Our Global Future, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2011, Chapter 1, 1-70. The chapter by Matlin and Abegaz can be downloaded free as a 'sample chapter' from the Wiley website, where the whole book can be purchased:
  • Proceedings of the first international conference on chemistry and development:
    Coober, D.I.; S.S. Langer; J.M. Pratt (Eds). Chemistry and Developing Countries. Commonwealth Science Council/Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 1992. 203pp.
  • Chemical Research Applied to World Needs (CHEMRAWN):
  • Solomon, T.; M. Åkerblom; E.W. Thulstrup. Chemistry in the Developing World. Analytical Chemistry, 2003, 75(5), 107A-113A.
Environment And Climate Change
Gender And Science
2011 marked the 100th anniversary of the Chemistry Nobel Prize awarded to Marie Curie. This remarkable woman, who discovered the elements radium and polonium and shed fundamental light on the nature of radioactivity, had already shared the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics. Marie Curie's 1903 dissertation became the first doctorate in science awarded to a woman in Europe.
While the 20th century saw more women becoming highly successful scientists, globally there remains a huge imbalance in the proportion of females in science. As UNESCO, has observed, "All over the world, scientific and technological training is too often just not available to women, including informal training. Less women than men have scientific careers and when they do, professional progress is slower. Women rarely hold high-level scientific decisional posts."
IOCD recognizes the rights of all people – women and men – to participate in careers in the sciences and, through the chemical sciences, to contribute to improving the health, wealth and wellbeing of humankind. IOCD encourages equal opportunity for girls and women everywhere to participate in education, training, research and employment in the chemical sciences.
Health Research For Development
History Of Chemistry
Intellectual Property
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs)
Open Access Journals In Chemistry
Paris Declaration And Accra Agenda For Action
Commitment by the development assistance community to make aid more efficient and effective and to harmonize their aid programmes and align them with the priorities of recipient countries:
  • Development Cooperation Directorate (OECD-DAC). The Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda for Action. OECD, Paris 2010:here and here.
Periodic Table Of Elements
  • Websites providing information and interactive Periodic Tables: 1; 2; 3.
Science For Development
Science And Development Statistics And Indicators
Technology Transfer
Websites For Chemical Education And Chemistry Resources
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